Comox Chiropractors - North Central Vancouver Island

Put your best foot forward

with custom orthotics

Custom orthotics are shoe insoles designed to correct your feet’s alignment

Our chiropractors have extensive training in the anatomy and the biomechanics of the feet. They are certified to evaluate and diagnose foot conditions so they can prescribe you with the appropriate custom made orthotic.
How do

custom orthotics work?

The overall aim of orthotic therapy is to reduce stress and strain on your feet by bringing them back into proper alignment. The body of the custom orthotic redirects your foot and reduces harmful motion. The orthotics fit into your shoe just like an insole, making them a breeze to wear every day.


Custom orthotics can be used to help treat a wide variety of foot, ankle, knee, hip, and back pain. Your chiropractor will determine if orthotics are appropriate for you.

Common foot conditions we treat with custom orthotics include:

Heel spurs

Plantar Fasciitis

Morton’s Neuroma

Hallux Valgus (bunions)

Over-pronation syndrome

Painful calluses

What to expect

Custom orthotics start with a thorough exam and a computerized scan of your foot

We run through a thorough history and examination of your feet.

We create a computerized gait analysis by having you walk across a pressure-sensitive mat. In some complex foot conditions, a foam mould may also be utilized.

A dynamic image will appear on the computer monitor. Your chiropractor will go over the results with you and make the appropriate recommendations.

The information is then uploaded to The Orthotic Group, a lab in Ontario, where technicians will use the data to design and fabricate your orthotics.

Within about 7-10 days, your orthotics are constructed and sent to our office for you to pick up.

Frequently Asked Questions

A. Custom made orthotics are shoe insoles designed specifically to correct mechanical dysfunction of your feet based on your individual requirements.

A. There are different methods for making orthotics. At Comox Chiropractic we will go through a thorough foot history and examination before taking a computerized gait scan of your feet. This information is then uploaded to The Orthotic Group lab in Ontario where technicians will use the computer data to design and fabricate your orthotics. For more information on The Orthotic Group and the manufacturing process please visit their website at

A. Most employer's Extended Health Insurance Plans will cover a portion if not all of the custom made orthotic cost. Each employer has a different contract with the insurance company so we urge you to read your policy to find out your coverage. Comox Chiropractic will give you all the necessary documentation to submit to your insurance company so you can get reimbursed as soon as possible.

A.The cost of the consultation, evaluation, diagnosis, fabrication, shipping and fitting of your orthotics is $450.